Pinnacle Peak Plan

The Peak programs set the gold standard for introducing tennis players to a structured fitness regimen. Far more than a set of exercises, it shapes the discipline and responsibility akin to professional athletes. Based on a fusion of insights from the Tennis Canada’s Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model, the United States Tennis Association (USTA), and five decades of rigorous tennis-specific research, this program crafts a journey where each workout has a clear intent, making fitness not only effective but also enjoyable. Each block of content is designed to optimize for crucial windows of athletic development.

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Who it’s for

What’s included

Performance Tracking

After each workout, you'll enter your score, creating an ongoing record of your progress. It's like a digital scoreboard that helps you aim higher every time.

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Detailed Schedule​

Your daily routine is clearly laid out, featuring tasks that are carefully selected through expert periodization (link to periodization page). This roadmap not only guides your day but also ensures optimal progress.

Every scheduled day includes:
- Warm up routines
- Goal directed workout
- Cool-down and injury prevention routines

Streamlined Workouts with a Purpose

Each workout clearly outlines its goals, sets, and reps, all supported by easy-to-follow videos. Once you hit start, the intuitive interface guides you through each exercise, complete with built-in timers. Every workout has a goal plus monthly challenges to keep things exciting!

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Learn to weaponize your fitness with the same tools and training systems the pros are using.